ADHD Coach - A basic understanding of this professional coaching nice.
One of the fastest growing professional Life Coach specialties is as an ADHD Coach. ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) has become a common diagnosis in children, teens and adults. For this reason, ADHA coaches are in high demand.
The ADHD Coach is the type of coach who loves a challenge, as working with an ADHD diagnosed client can be challenging indeed. One of the primary reasons is that having the diagnosis of ADHD provides some individuals with an easy reason for not striving for success. “It is not me. I am powerless! It is the ADHD!” The doctor told me “I am ADHD!”
While ADHD is problematic and troublesome to the person with the condition it is certainly not a life sentence for underachieving. As a matter the list of famous and extremely successful people with ADHD is endless; Sylvester Stallone, Jim Carey, Mariel Hemingway, Robin Williams, Cher etc…
The job of an ADHD coach is to guide their client beyond the fog of easy excuses towards a clear view of goals they want to achieve…goals they CAN achieve even with the diagnosis of ADHD.
One of the fastest growing professional Life Coach specialties is as an ADHD Coach. ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) has become a common diagnosis in children, teens and adults. For this reason, ADHA coaches are in high demand.
The ADHD Coach is the type of coach who loves a challenge, as working with an ADHD diagnosed client can be challenging indeed. One of the primary reasons is that having the diagnosis of ADHD provides some individuals with an easy reason for not striving for success. “It is not me. I am powerless! It is the ADHD!” The doctor told me “I am ADHD!”
While ADHD is problematic and troublesome to the person with the condition it is certainly not a life sentence for underachieving. As a matter the list of famous and extremely successful people with ADHD is endless; Sylvester Stallone, Jim Carey, Mariel Hemingway, Robin Williams, Cher etc…
The job of an ADHD coach is to guide their client beyond the fog of easy excuses towards a clear view of goals they want to achieve…goals they CAN achieve even with the diagnosis of ADHD.
The ADHD Coach is fully aware of the countless distractions us humans face every day, whether they have a diagnosis of ADHD or not. Coaching a client with an ADHD diagnosis is far more difficult precisely because the ADHD diagnosed individual tends to be so easily distracted. Yet, the properly trained ADHD coach, skillfully utilizes proven strategies in their coaching conversation with their client that helps the client formulate a new mindset that is clear, goal-oriented and takes into account the clients attention issues.
ADHD Coaching – The first step: Awareness of Patterns
As a first step in the coaching conversation, the ADHD coach will, together with their ADHD-diagnosed client, explore the client’s world. What are the client’s days like? What are the client’s desires, habits, and predispositions? What is the ADHD client’s state of mind? How motivated to change are they? The answers to these questions and others like them will paint a clear picture for both the client and the ADHD Coach as to what the client’s goals truly are plus how the client can be blocking their success.
Once explored and the ADHD coach has clarity around the clients current world, the coach may introduce some of the following strategies for the client to “try on”. What the professional ADHD coach understand is that not one thing works for everyone. These strategies need to be adjusted, tried and tested.
1. Set time limits. Setting time limits improves our ability to focus. A timer helps increase the ability for the mind of the ADHD client to remain focused and the client not to feel overwhelmed. The client can experiment with time limits until they find the one that works best for them. The point is for even the most challenged ADHD client there is always a point where they can focus and obtain a goal.
For instance, if the client has a goal of getting a glass of water, even the most severe case of ADHD would be able to keep their focus long enough to get a drink of water. While this might seem like a silly example, the point is important. What can the client with the aid of the coach create to work within the confines of the clients ADHD for success?
So if the client has a paper to create or exam to prepare for a study session might be set at 10 to 15 minutes intervals then a break followed by another work/study session.
By setting a time limit, the client now has a goal with a starting and stopping point. Instead of the facing the challenge to study as in the past where they struggled to concentrate for hours, they now have a small attainable goal. This method has had great success in helping the ADHD client bring them greater confidence in their abilities.
2. Time your breaks. While timing the work session is critical so is timing the break. If not it would be too easy for the client to work for 20 minutes and then take a 2-hour break getting lost in all kinds of other activities.
• Work – 20 minutes
• Break – 10 minutes
• Work – 20 minutes
• Break – 10 minutes,
• Repeat
Again, the client needs to be supported to use a timer to ensure they stick with this schedule or one similar to it that works best for them. All of us, with or without a diagnosis of ADHD can succumb to the temptation to take breaks during the times we should be working to check personal email, Facebook, etc.
One other idea the ADHD coach may suggest to the client is to “insert a pause” in their study session. Often by taking ten seconds away from the task, taking a deep breath and asking themselves "do they really want to give into the distraction or would they rather finish the work session at hand and enjoy the feeling of accomplishment and of being productive?"
3. Close unnecessary windows on the computer, remove distractions i.e. cell phones, ipads etc…. For the client to achieve success they need to set themselves up for success! Closing open windows on their computer that are not connected to the task at hand. Turning off a cell, ipads or putting them out of sight and hearing distance. Closing the study/office door and having agreements in place with family members, coworkers that they are not to be disturbed unless some emergency occurs.
To be productive, it is critical to eliminate that which makes you less productive.
These simple strategies put forward by the ADHD coach will prove successful for anyone, but will be a particular victory for the ADHD client. Implementing these strategies will go far in improving the ADHD client’s ability to focus and be more productive at any task. While these strategies may prove challenging at first and may need some adjustment, with the skilled guidance of the ADHD coach, the client will find these strategies becoming habits; habits that will allow the client to experience a sense of accomplishment, productivity and success.
A good place to learn more about the ADHD Coach specialty is