
 The Coach Training Academy

Coaching Scholarships Assistance Program 

If your motivated to become a professional coach but lack enough funds please apply for Life Coaching Scholarships.

The Coaching Scholarship Assistance Program is setup to help those students that can not attend our school due to financial difficulties. We do not want to see talented, caring individuals turned away from the coaching profession due to limited funding.

To create this fund, the school contributes 10% of school revenues to the program in addition to private donations from past graduates and private contributors.

Funding is limited, however we do encourage you to apply if money is the only reason you are being held back from attending the academy. Our goal is to have 2 seats per course where financial assistance is available however we cannot guarantee this.

Our scholarship coach trainings are gifts, not loans and do not need to be paid back. However, as a way of giving back many of our coaches that obtained training through a scholarship make a donation to the fund once they have their successful coaching practice up and running.

Is funded ICF coach training certification is different?

Students receiving a scholarship receive exactly the same training as the rest of the student body. These are private, confidential awards; only the school administration is aware of the arrangement.

What are the requirements for life coaching financial aid?

Scholarship requirement may change time to time and cannot be combined with any other offer.
Check Financial Aid details here.

How much time do you take to award coaching scholarships?

Our scholarship committee meets monthly to decide on awards. The application process starts with filling out the form below. Please tell us a bit about yourself. You will emailed back with application details.

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