Spiritual Life Coach Vanessa

As a Spiritual Life Coach, Vanessa Marie Dewsbury focuses her practice on assisting clients to go within themselves so they can connect with who they are at the very core of their being. Vanessa is passionate about helping people dig into “self” so they can reflect on, and release all that no longer serves them purpose. Her compassionate heart and empathic nature combined with her calm confidence and gentle presence, helps her to connect deeply with her clients while delivering clear and powerful messaging.

What brought Vanessa to The Coach Training Academy

Supporting people navigating their healing journeys has been the main focus of my professional career. However, hundreds of clients and a best-selling book later, I still felt as though a vital component of my business was missing. While many of my clients have approached me in search of Life Coaching, it didn’t occur to me at the time that the skills and structure I would acquire through Life Coaching certification would assist in not only taking my business, but also myself, to a whole other level.

I spent hours searching the internet for training and certification courses, and spoke to many different companies, only to discover that many were eager to take my money without first understanding my needs and intent. That didn’t feel right to me. Then I discovered The Coach Training Academy. What really impressed me and, perhaps made the biggest impact, was Steve’s desire to speak with me directly to ensure I would be the right fit for the training course, and vice versa. This showed integrity and values that matched my own.

I thoroughly enjoyed the training, the level of professionalism, and the attention each student received. I appreciated Steve’s valuable and priceless knowledge, which gave me confidence to move forward with my own coaching practice.

Why Spiritual Life Coaching?

I believe the root of all creation is belief. We create what we believe. Throughout our lives we often carry with us limited beliefs from our youth that prevent us from moving forward and being the best version of ourselves. Beliefs such as “I’m not worthy of being successful”, “I am not deserving of healthy relationships” or “I’m not good enough to be loved and accepted”.

Through the guidance of a Spiritual Life Coach we can learn how to go within so that we can change our limited beliefs by recognizing and identifying where they originated. By taking away their power we can create new, healthy and positive beliefs that serve us purpose. Knowing and understanding that we can change our unconscious mind through our conscious thoughts and beliefs is very empowering. We can learn to master our mind and not allow our mind to master us.

I assist people in getting to the root cause of their blockages so we can work on forming new beliefs, habits, and behaviors. I also focus on creating self awareness, understanding the importance of having an “attitude of gratitude”, and why practicing forgiveness creates new space for new opportunities and growth. My coaching program consists of action steps, strategies, support, and Soul Work that will assist clients in moving forward on their journey to becoming their best self. I like to work with my clients using my intuitive skills so I can best serve from a place of deep understanding of one's needs.

I want people to believe in themselves, to trust their gifts, and to stand powerfully and proud in their own unique and beautiful light, as we all are meant to do.

About Vanessa Marie Dewsbury

Vanessa Marie Dewsbury is a Spiritual Life Coach, Reiki Master and #1 Best Selling Author living in Ontario Canada. Vanessa released her first book, heart is where the home is, on January 11, 2018. The book became an Amazon bestseller within four months in three different categories and currently holds more than 70 five-star reviews. heart is where the home is is a spiritual book that has captured the hearts and souls of others all around the world. The wisdom and insights Vanessa has shared within her book has helped people with anxiety, depression, and stress, and those who are on their own spiritual journey and seeking guidance and understanding. Vanessa wants people to know they are not alone.

Master Spirit Coach Book Signing

Vanessa has found international attention and appeared on podcasts, television, and radio shows, and in blogs and newspaper articles. Vanessa proves that if you believe in yourself and in your dreams and when you take inspired action, you can create a life you truly love.

“I was truly inspired by this book,” reads one review on Amazon. “I have read many books over the past ten years on living a happy life as I suffer from depression and none of them have awaken me the way this book did. I read it quickly because I couldn't wait to turn each page to see what was next. I'm currently reading it for a second time and taking my time with each page to thoroughly enjoy Vanessa's messages and beautiful words. I was on the verge of mini "midlife crisis" before reading heart is where the home is, and since reading this book I have made some lifestyle changes and can honestly say that today I am feeling wonderful being myself and have made some positive plans for my future.”

You can connect with Vanessa Marie Dewsbury at:


Vanessa Marie Dewsbury - Spiritual Life Coach & Intuitive Guide

Vanessa Marie Dewsbury

Check out Vanessa’s book, heart is where the home is on Amazon

Other writings by Vanessa