
May 24

Leadership Program for Young Adults


Faisal Khattak-Big Dög
(TCTA Graduate)

Leadership Program for Young Adults

Note: For families in the Vancouver BC area

Leadership Program


I am really excited, last week I finished developing my Leadership Program for Young Adults being launched in 2014. It’s fun filled, very hands on and a life changing experience.

After going through this program for six months, young adults (11-21 yrs) will be transformed into Noble Leaders. The leaders which will make a huge positive difference not only in their own lives but also the ones around them.

!!! Now here is something I haven’t done before, a rare opportunity for someone to benefit, someone you may know !!!

I have decided to run a one month Pilot Project based on that six month Leadership program. It will be a turbo charged, fast paced experience. Among traits like Honesty, Empathy, Compassion, Authenticity etc. your child will also learn:
~ to embrace who they really are.
~ How to build up their confidence and self-esteem so they don’t fall into the traps of Bullying, Suicide or Addictions.
~ How to stand up for themself and others.
I have put in a lot of time, knowledge and my experience into it. It’s not something someone can google and learn. This program is valued at $1000 per person. BUT

!!!! I am giving away this one month life changing experience as a GIFT to someone you know !!!!

There are some rules.
* I will only take 10 young adults (11-21 yrs) in this program.
* All the young adults will be interviewed by me personally.
* These young adults have to be willing to be open minded and learn.
* They have to be willing to become Noble Leaders for themselves and others.
* The program will start within a month. Mostly it will be on the weekends and evenings. I know I have kids too.

I know there will be lot of interest in this so hurry up and SIGN UP here.


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